How Cross-Sector Collaborations are Advancing STEM Learning

Programs that infuse science, technology, engineering, and math enable hands-on, applied learning while preparing students for 21st century careers. Programs are especially effective in helping youth to develop these skills and increase their interest in STEM when their activities are hands-on, project or inquiry-based, sequenced in a way that allows youth to build on previous knowledge and their own experiences, and make connections to potential careers. And most importantly, they can exist anywhere.

Boston is home to a rich network of places where youth can connect with STEM– in school, at a community center, on the soccer field, on a field trip to the museum, during a tour of a start-up incubator space, or even while eating dinner at home– which we call the STEM learning ecosystem. Boston After School & Beyond cross-pollinates Boston’s STEM learning ecosystem by connecting innovative educators with researchers who study their techniques, and then sharing what we learn from them to help all members of the ecosystem ignite moments of discovery for the youth they serve.

Through BoSTEM, The United Way and BASB currently support 11 nonprofit organizations that partner with 27 Boston schools to bring math and science learning to life for over 1,500 students.